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Bacteria and Fungi

Alcian Yellow - Toluine Blue for Helicobactor Pylori

Integrated method to show Helicobacter pylori and acid mucins in gastric tissue sections.


For demonstration Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

Giemsa for Helicobacter Pylori

To demonstrate Helicobacter pylori bacterium on gastric biopsies.


To differentiate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in tissue sections and smears.


To demonstrate fungi in tissue sections.

Grocott Using Microwave

To demonstrate fungi in tissue sections.

May Grunwald Giemsa

Recommended method to differentiate cell types and to reveal parasites in tissue sections. Especially useful for lymphopoietic tissue and to demonstrate endothelial reticulum.


Method for the demonstration of spirochetes.


To show pathogenic mycobacteria (especially Koch’s bacillus) in histologic sections, sputum smears and culture smears

Ziehl Neelsen, Fite

To show pathogenic mycobacteria (especially Koch’s bacillus and Hansen’s bacillus) in histologic sections, sputum smears and culture smears.

Ziehl-Neelsen for Cryptosporidium

To show Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts in faecal smears.

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Bacteri and Fungi


Alcian Blue pH 2.5

For demonstration of the acid mucopolysaccharides in tissue sections.

Alcian Blue pH 2.5 PAS

Integrated method to show acid mucins, neutral mucins and carbohydrates in tissue sections.

Colloidial Iron

For demonstration of acid mucins which form a stable complex with trivalent iron thanks to the presence of their acid groups in anionic form.

Congo Red

Method to show amyloid in tissue sections.

Enzymatic Digestion, Amylase

Removal of glycogen from tissue sections

Enzymatic Digestion, Diastase

Removal of glycogen in order to observe epithelial neutral mucins. This method is recommended for liver biopsy.


To demonstrate normal and pathologic tissue components characterised by adjacent glycolic or aminohydroxylic groups. 

Sirius Red

Method to show amyloid in tissue sections.

Sirius Red Picrate

For demonstration of collagen fibres and bilirubin in tissue sections.

Collagen and Connective Tissue


Afog - Acid Fuchsin Orange G

Standard procedure for visualisation of glomerular protein deposits in kidney biopsies. 

Azan Trichrome

Method for connective tissue, especially to show muscle fibres, glial fibres, collagen, reticulum, kidney glomerular stroma, erythrocytes and nuclear chromatin

Gomori Fuchsin Paraldehyde

For demonstration elastic fibres, beta cells of pancreas, mast cells granules, mucin, argentaffin granules and acrosomes of spermatozoa.

Gordon-Sweet for Reticulum Fibres

Recommended method to show argyrophilic reticular fibres in connective tissue.

Mallory Trichrome

Procedure for showing connective tissue including collagen, reticulum, cartilage, bone and amyloid.

Masson Trichrome

Method for connective tissue demonstrating gametes, nuclei, neurofibrils, neuroglia, collagen, keratin, intracellular fibrils, and negative image of Golgi apparatus.

Masson Trichrome - Goldner

Method for connective tissue showing gametes, nuclei, neurofibrils, neuroglia, collagen, keratin, intracellular fibrils, and negative image of Golgi apparatus. Suitable for black and white microphotographs.


To demonstrate elastic fibres in tissue sections, especially in vascular studies.

Perls Van Gieson

To show ferric iron, collagen and connective tissue.

Phosfotungstic Acid Haematoxylin

Used to differentiate between smooth and striated muscular tissue by staining isotropic bands of skeletal muscle myofibrils and to show fibrin.

Picro Mallory

Trichrome stain recommended for connective sections.

Silver Impregnation

Recommended method to show argyrophilic reticular fibres in connective tissue, especially to differentiate collagen fibres from connective tissue.

Silver Methenamine

To show argyrophilic elements and mucopolysaccharides (basal membranes, mycetes, bacteria etc.) in tissue sections. Recommended method to examine basal membrane in renal biopsy.

Van Gieson, Trichrome

Recommended method for connective tissue, especially to differentiate collagen fibres from connective tissue.


To demonstrate elastic fibres in tissue sections, especially in vascular pathology

Weigert, Long Method

To demonstrate elastic fibres in tissue sections.

Weigert, Rapid Method

To demonstrate elastic fibres in tissue sections. Recommended for vascular pathology.

Weigert Van Gieson, Long Method

To demonstrate elastic fibres, connective tissue, collagen and nuclei.

Weigert Van Gieson, Rapid Method

To show elastic fibres, connective tissue and nuclei at the same time. Recommended for vascular pathology.

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Collagen and Connetive Tissue


May Grunwald Giemsa

Recommended method to differentiate cell types and to reveal parasites in tissue sections. Especially useful for lymphopoietic tissue and to demonstrate endothelial reticulum.

MGG Quick Stain 

For differential staining of formed blood elements. It can also be used to stain other types of air-dried smears such as sediment smears and needle aspirates. The staining can be compared to traditional May Grunwald-Giemsa method.

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Oil Red O

Recommended method for demonstration of lipids on frozen sections.

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Nervous Tissue

Nervous Tissue


Recommended method to show neurofibrils, axons, dendrites and senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease.

Luxol Fast Blue Kluwer Barrera

To show myelin and phospholipids in histologic sections.


Special Staining Kits

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- Reproducible results with full protocol


- Minimal acceptance testing



To show argentaffine proteins (100 KD), which are present in NOR region, in smears and sections embedded in paraffin.

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Pigments and Mineral Deposits

Pigments and Mineral Deposits

Masson Fontana

Recommended method to show melanin.


To show reactive ferric iron.

Perls Van Gieson

To show ferric iron, collagen and connective tissue.

Sirius Red

Method to show amyloid in tissue sections.

Sirius Red Picrate

For demonstration of collagen fibres and bilirubin in tissue sections.

Van Gieson, Fouchet

For demonstration of bilirubin and collagen in tissue sections

Von Kossa

To demonstrate deposits of calcium ions in tissue sections.

Enzyme Histochemistry

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Enzyme Histochemistry

Acid Phosphatase

To show the enzymatic activity of acid phosphatase. Acid phosphatase is in macrophage and lysosome, it identifies necrosis and regeneration.

Alkaline Phosphatase

Evaluation of alkaline phosphatase activity. Alkaline phosphatase is particularly useful in revealing sites of phagocytosis and inflammation in muscle biopsy specimens.


Typing of muscle fibres.

Cytochrome C Oxidase

Activity evaluation of Cytochrome C oxidase


Histochemical demonstration of esterase in denervated fibres.

Myoadenylate Deaminase

To show the enzymatic activity of Myoadenylate deaminase

NADH Diaphorase

For distinguishing type 1 and type 2 muscle fibres. Often it is correlated with the ATPase procedure.

PFK - Phosphofructokinase

To show PFK enzymatic activity. This procedure is used to determine if a glycogen-storage disease is due to a lack of PFK activity or about other enzymes necessary for the metabolism of glycogen.


Histochemical demonstration of phosphorylase.

Succinic Dehydrogenase

Evaluation of the succinic dehydrogenase activity specifically in mitochondria.

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