Staining and Coverslipping
Stain Kits

Film/Tape Coverslipper
MEDITE Twister
In the age of digital pathology, high quality and consistent coverslipping is more important than ever. The digital scanning process is interrupted too often by badly mounted glass coverslips, causing wasted time and delayed delivery of the images to the pathologist.
The Twister tape/film coverslipper removes the breakages associated with glass coverslipping, and provides high quality film/tape covering with speed and reliability whilst ensuring the best possible slide is presented to the digital pathology image scanner.
Twister can coverslip up to 1200 slides per hour and has fast loading and unloading stations.
The touchscreen user interface allows cover size to be user determined.
Changing the tape/film roll is quickly and easily done to ensure minimum downtime.

Still Made In Germany - The only way to get Made In Germany Quality is to buy product Made In Germany.

Speed per slide: 3 seconds
Film Application Length: 45 - 60mm
Dimensions (w/d/h): 730 x 310 x 545 mm
Manual Staining Sets and Accessories

Manual Staining Sets
The AnatoPath Manual Staining Sets are an easy and economical way of carrying out manual staining procedures.
Staining dishes are made from chemical and heat resistant plastic strengthened with glass fibre for added longevity, and the attached lids allow stains to be covered when not in use to minimise oxidation and evaporation.
The stainless steel dish holder allows quick and easy removal or exchange of dishes. The slide rack fits snugly into the staining bath ensuring the minimum amount of stain is required.
Available with 3 or 12 places. Each set comes with staining rack for 25 slides, removable and interchangeable staining dishes with lids attached, and a stainless steel staining dish holder.
Additional/replacements staining dishes and staining racks available.

Supa Mega Slide Rack Adapters
The Supa Mega slide rack adapters allow a standard slide rack to be used to stain up to 5 Supa Mega slides.
They are compatible with most common slide racks including those supplied by AnatoPath.
The adapters are made from PET and are resistant to chemicals used in Anatomical Pathology laboratories.​

Individual Slide Staining Set
The Individual Slide Staining Set has two working modules with separate lids, each for 10 slides. They allow slides to be laid flat whilst reagents are applied. Each tray can be inclined to 45° to allow draining and washing. There is a waste collection tray for each module. This system is ideal for staining techniques that require minimal reagents and for manual IHC.
Staining Timer
The staining timer is electronic with countdown function starting from 99 minutes and 59 seconds. It is furnished with a practical neck-lace (length 48 cm) with release snap-hook and back magnet for fastening to steel surfaces including ASP/12/0/1010 and ASP/12/0/1020, Manual Staining Sets.

Stain Kits

Amylase, Enzymatic Digestion
Removal of glycogen from tissue sections

Diastase, Enzymatic Digestion
Removal of glycogen in order to observe epithelial neutral mucins. This method is recommended for liver biopsy.

MGG Quick Stain
For differential staining of formed blood elements. It can also be used to stain other types of air-dried smears such as sediment smears and needle aspirates. The staining can be compared to traditional May Grunwald-Giemsa method.

Oil Red O
Recommended method for demonstration of lipids on frozen sections.